
It's possible and often times more convenient to write presentation content using Markdown. To create a Markdown slide, add the data-markdown attribute to your <section> element and wrap the contents in a <textarea data-template> like the example below.

<section data-markdown>
  <textarea data-template>
    ## Slide 1
    A paragraph with some text and a [link](
    ## Slide 2
    ## Slide 3

Slide 1

A paragraph with some text and a link.

Slide 1 A paragraph with some text and a link .

Note that this is sensitive to indentation (avoid mixing tabs and spaces) and line breaks (avoid consecutive breaks).

Markdown Plugin

This functionality is powered by the built-in Markdown plugin which in turn uses marked for all parsing. The Markdown plugin is included in our default presentation examples. If you want to manually add it to a new presentation here's how:

<script src="plugin/markdown/markdown.js"></script>
    plugins: [RevealMarkdown],

External Markdown

You can write your content as a separate file and have reveal.js load it at runtime. Note the separator arguments which determine how slides are delimited in the external file: the data-separator attribute defines a regular expression for horizontal slides (defaults to ^\r?\n---\r?\n$, a newline-bounded horizontal rule) and data-separator-vertical defines vertical slides (disabled by default). The data-separator-notes attribute is a regular expression for specifying the beginning of the current slide's speaker notes (defaults to notes?:, so it will match both "note:" and "notes:"). The data-charset attribute is optional and specifies which charset to use when loading the external file.

When used locally, this feature requires that reveal.js runs from a local web server. The following example customizes all available options:

        Note that Windows uses `\r\n` instead of `\n` as its linefeed character.
        For a regex that supports all operating systems, use `\r?\n` instead of `\n`.

Element Attributes

Special syntax (through HTML comments) is available for adding attributes to Markdown elements. This is useful for fragments, among other things.

<section data-markdown>
  <script type="text/template">
    - Item 1 <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" -->
    - Item 2 <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->

Slide Attributes

Special syntax (through HTML comments) is available for adding attributes to the slide <section> elements generated by your Markdown.

<section data-markdown>
  <script type="text/template">
    <!-- .slide: data-background="#ff0000" -->
      Markdown content

Syntax Highlighting

Powerful syntax highlighting features are built into reveal.js. Using the bracket syntax shown below, you can highlight individual lines and even walk through multiple separate highlights step-by-step. Learn more about line highlights.

<section data-markdown>
  <textarea data-template>
    ```js [1-2|3|4]
    let a = 1;
    let b = 2;
    let c = x => 1 + 2 + x;
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let c = x => 1 + 2 + x;
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let c = x => 1 + 2 + x;
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let c = x => 1 + 2 + x;
let a = 1 ; let b = 2 ; let c = x => 1 + 2 + x; c ( 3 ); let a = 1 ; let b = 2 ; let c = x => 1 + 2 + x; c ( 3 ); let a = 1 ; let b = 2 ; let c = x => 1 + 2 + x; c ( 3 );

Line Number Offset

You can add a line number offset by adding a number and a colon at the beginning of your highlights.

<section data-markdown>
  <textarea data-template>
    ```js [712: 1-2|3|4]
    let a = 1;
    let b = 2;
    let c = x => 1 + 2 + x;
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let c = x => 1 + 2 + x;
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let c = x => 1 + 2 + x;
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let c = x => 1 + 2 + x;
let a = 1 ; let b = 2 ; let c = x => 1 + 2 + x; c ( 3 ); let a = 1 ; let b = 2 ; let c = x => 1 + 2 + x; c ( 3 ); let a = 1 ; let b = 2 ; let c = x => 1 + 2 + x; c ( 3 );

Configuring marked

We use marked to parse Markdown. To customize marked's rendering, you can pass in options when configuring Reveal:

  // Options which are passed into marked
  // See
  markdown: {
    smartypants: true,